Hanley Smith
Hanley Smith

One of the most challenging and fulfilling undertakings of my career, this piece is a hilarious, moving, galvanizing work of art and patriotism. I was honored and humbled to tell this story, engage in this important conversation, and continually learn about our country, its founding document, and the legacies and patterns that need to change. Beautifully directed by Charlie Flynn-McIver. Thank you to Edwin Arnaudin for this really lovely review:
What a lifelong dream-come-true to perform with Pittsburgh Civic Light Opera at the historic Benedum Center (which seats 2,800 people)! Returning to my favorite role of all time (so far) with some of my favorite people of all time (period), while making new friends along the way, was an absolute JOY. Directed by the incomparable Marc Robin.
Hanley and the Youth Cast on Pittsburgh Today Live
The best thing about Hanley Smith, starring as Maria, is how thoroughly she is NOT Julie Andrews. Because you can't be Julie Andrews; the legendary stage and screen actress has an affect so fey and otherworldly but oddly sensual that you can almost believe her Maria is the same supernatural being as Mary Poppins. Hanley Smith runs in the opposite direction, with a charmingly impulsive, endearingly awkward Maria that feels entirely modern but never anachronistic. It's easy to imagine why the Captain falls in love with her, because after spending ten minutes with Hanley Smith, the audience is in love with her the same way. Can you imagine getting a drink or wanting to dance with Julie Andrews? It's like wanting to dance with Queen Elizabeth II. Hanley, however, is delightfully human, with a beautiful voice that soars like Andrews but without the iciness. (Greg Kerestan, BWW)
11/2022 -- WHITE CHRISTMAS @ The Fulton
To channel another incredible icon (Rosemary Clooney) and tell this beautiful story was the best Christmas gift! Parker Esse's ebullient direction; the gorgeous designs; the insanely talented cast... all of it was a dream come true, as cheesy as that sounds.
Hanley and Will Ray's Interview About Joining Forces Again
Hanley and Sarah Meahl's Interview on ABC27
The four leads – Luke Hawkins (Phil Davis), Sarah Meahl (Judy Haynes), Will Ray (Bob Wallace), and Hanley Smith (Betty Haynes) – are wonderful together in their own duos (Meahl and Smith are absolutely delightful during “Sisters”) and as couples as well. Ray and Smith were wonderful in The Sound of Music as Captain von Trapp and Maria and their chemistry is just as “present” this time around. (Sara Bozich)

PC: Jared Morneau

PC: Jared Morneau

PC: Jared Morneau
6/2022 -- THE SOUND OF MUSIC @ Maine State Music Theatre
Continuing this beautiful journey was the ultimate gift. Thank you to Curt Dale Clark, Marc Robin, and every single person involved.
Hanley and Will Ray's TV Interview w NEWS CENTER Maine
Hanley and Will Ray's Interview with BroadwayWorld
Hanley Smith gives a stunning, embraceable performance, entirely original as Maria Rainer. From the moment she appears on stage singing in the hills, she dazzles with her vocal gifts - a rounded, rich tone, strong belt, and high-ranging coloratura. Her Maria has a sweet, sassy, funny, mischievous, gentle, honest, tough, irrepressible spirit with a heart as big as the mountains she loves. There is a disarming openness, a generosity and naturalness to Smith's performance that makes the audience her ally from the very first. One feels the love emanating from every fiber of her being, and one returns that in full measure. (Carla Maria Verdino-Süllwold, BroadwayWorld)
Equally wide-eyed and dewy is the magnificent Hanley Smith as Maria. She plays the young woman with a believable blend of naivete and a keen understanding of human nature, especially when it comes to relating to the children. Smith’s expressive voice has the flexibility and range for the role and her tone blends magnificently with the gorgeous rich fullness of Will Ray’s timbre when Maria and the captain sing together. (Melissa M. Orth, Bangor Daily News)

3/2022 -- THE SOUND OF MUSIC @ The Fulton
This has been a dream role since the age of 5, and it truly was one of the most beautiful, impactful, inspiring and fulfilling experiences of my career. The cast, crew and creative team were all warm, bright lights, gushing with talent and love; and this story proved to be breathtakingly relevant when we opened on February 24th. I will cherish the gift of this experience, the generosity of the audience and my fellow artists, and the power of this music and this story forever. Directed by the astonishing Marc Robin.
Hanley's Live TV Interview with Fox 43 (at about 2:20)
Hanley Smith is flawless as Maria. Her smile conveys true warmth and happiness, which is contagious to cast and audience, alike. Her connections with the children seem very authentic, and it is a testament to her level of engagement. Since Rogers and Hammerstein's songs are so iconic, it would be easy for a performer to go through the motions, but Smith doesn't cut corners. She makes each number her own, and the audience is well-rewarded with her talent and efforts. (Rich Mehrenberg, BWW)

10/2021 -- A CHRISTMAS CAROL @ Denver Center
There truly aren't words that adequately express the joy and gratitude of returning to the stage after so much time away. And to do so with this beautiful story of redemption, charity and hope during these difficult times felt like both an honor and a mission. Directed by Melissa Rain Anderson; choreographed by Christine Rowan; costume design by Kevin Copenhaver.

2/2020 -- MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS @ Fulton Theatre
Switching to first-person here: I got to perform with some of my all-time favorite folks for this one, folks I have been a fan of for years. Special thanks to Marc Robin for putting such a great group together. We also had the privilege of being the first show to utilize the Fulton's brand new stage RIGHT, which heretofore never existed. Our set was magnificent, designed based on actual plans that the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania managed to dig up. This was a real treat!

8/2019 -- THE COTTAGE @ Florida Studio Theatre
Directed by Jason Cannon with a cast of five other truly delightful humans/clowns, it was a huge pleasure to return to THE COTTAGE and explore it through the lens of a completely different, and very rewarding, character.
There's Something About Sylvia - An Interview With Hanley Smith
Smith is winning as Sylvia, and sells her character turn without overselling it. (Marty Fugate, The Observer)
...engaging, leading performance of Hanley Smith as Sylvia... a delight... (Jay Handelman, Palm Beach Daily News)
Hanley Smith is gloriously in charge as his [Beau's] inamorata Sylvia, deporting herself with a nice sense of period. (William S. Oser, Talkin' Broadway)
Hanley Smith’s well-controlled Sylvia runs with a considerable amount of punches, never flagging in what becomes a race to determine her future. (Marie J. Kilker, Total Theater)

6/2019 -- THE LAST FIVE YEARS @ Syracuse Stage
Under the direction of the one and only Jason Alexander -- who is the loveliest! -- this was a dream-come-true. In this unique interpretation of Jason Robert Brown's beloved song cycle, Hanley and Ken Wulf Clark took Cathy and Jamie's journey alongside two incredible dancers, Marisa Fields and Adrien Lee, who played "shadow" versions of the main characters. With choreography from the darling Lee Martino and Music Directed by the man with astonishing piano hands, Brian Cimmet, a better batch of humans is not to be found.
"The Next Ten Minutes" with Ken Wulf Clark and Brian Cimmet
Live TV Interview with Jason Alexander, Hanley and Ken
Hanley Smith captures every attribute of Cathy - her charm, spunk, energy, beauty, and her faults. The effortless power and expression in her voice makes numbers such as "Still Hurting," "See, I'm Smiling," and "I'm a Part of That" incredibly moving and emotional. Smith's charm and spunk make "A Summer in Ohio," "Climbing Uphill," and "I Can Do Better Than That" really memorable. Smith's powerhouse Broadway belt soars throughout. (Natasha Ashley, Broadway World)
Hanley Smith is wrenchingly vulnerable. (Linda Lowen, Syracuse.com)
Broadway World - "visionary masterpiece"
Syracuse.com - "unique, gorgeous and innovative"
Syracuse Newtimes - "Jason Alexander adds two dancers"

2/2019 -- IN THE NEXT ROOM @ Gulfshore Playhouse
Returning to their favorite home away from home, Hanley and her husband William got to play a married couple for the first time in their career! This also happens to be one of Hanley's favorite plays of all time, so every second of this experience, under the intuitive and excellent direction of Jeffrey Binder, was joyful and fulfilling.
Hanley Smith... plays it to perfection. (Harriet Howard Heithaus, Naples News)
I thoroughly enjoyed Smith's portrayal of Catherine's growth throughout the show as she struggled to express her feelings and desires to her husband. The tension this real-life couple was able to portray in their on-stage marriage was very raw and real, which gave the show an incredibly authentic feel. I thought they were both excellent in showcasing the hardships of expressing what you desire in a relationship, and their final scene in the show was quite beautiful as they saw one another in a new light. (Emily Yorgey, Broadway World)
Broadway World - "electric and emotional"
Florida Weekly - "as ethereal as it is earthy"
Naples News - "sends out comic and cathartic vibes"

11/2018 -- A CHRISTMAS CAROL @ The Denver Center
Under the heartfelt, ebullient direction of Melissa Rain Anderson -- and peopled with uber-talented, big-hearted artists -- this beautiful production of the classic Dickensian tale was a joy from beginning to end.
You can view the lovely preview video HERE.

8/2018 -- THE 39 STEPS @ Gretna Theatre
And completing a deliciously fun summer, there was the whirlwind (but wonderful) production of THE 39 STEPS, also directed by Thomas Coté. Between Annabella, Pamela and Margaret, some of the sweetest and sweatiest times were had (quick changes + outdoor theater = HOT)! Worth it!
Hanley Smith plays all three major female roles in the show. She makes each very distinct... The play is very imaginative and quite playful. The actors need be skilled in mime, dialects, quick changes, and have impeccable comic timing. (Rich Mehrenberg, Broadway World)

7/2018 -- SHE LOVES ME @ Gretna Theatre
Hanley got to play opposite her beloved husband in her favorite musical of all time, so she was pretty much exploding with joy at every moment. Directed by Thomas Coté with Musical Direction by Scott Williams, the whole cast, crew and creative team were fantastic, and audiences and reviewers happily agreed!
Connell and Smith soar with strong acting chops and comic timing as well as beautifully powerful voices. (Jane Holahan, Lancaster Online)
Smith's vocal range is impressive, especially when she needs to slip into a more operatic range. (Rich Mehrenberg, Broadway World)
Smith is a bundle of joyous energy from the start, who takes every opportunity to showcase her beautiful voice. (Michael C. Upton, The Ephrata Review)

3/2018 -- MAJOR BARBARA @ Portland Center Stage
It was a dream come true to work with Chris Coleman -- in his final show as Artistic Director of PCS -- alongside a truly exceptional group of humans, to say nothing of tackling this iconic character and the indomitable George Bernard Shaw. The costumes from designer Lex Liang were especially exquisite, which is why there are a few more photos here than usual!
More Info: Major Barbara

11/2017 -- LEADING LADIES @ Gulfshore Playhouse
Hanley and her husband William got to escape to the beach together! (And perform in their fifth show together while they were at it.) It was a joy to offer this hilarious and hopeful show as a small contribution to Naples in the wake of Irma.
Ms. Smith plays against stereotype with this performance, and it’s wonderful to see a more three-dimensional character than how others might play her. She makes you realize that there’s more there to her. (Nancy Stetson, Florida Weekly)
Audrey was the clear audience favorite. She had the audience laughing with nearly every line. (Shelby Reynolds, Naples Daily News)

9/2017 -- GUESS WHO'S COMING TO DINNER @ Arrow Rock Lyceum
It was a real privilege to share and learn from this important, surprisingly-still-timely piece. And it was a real pleasure share the stage with such lovely, talented people. Some of the truest words Hanley has ever spoken came from this play: "The whole world needs a Round Table... Gathering over issues and talking best expresses our humanity... Not war, but discourse is our true nature."

8/2017 -- A Drinking Game NYC @ EdFringe
A Drinking Game NYC decided to venture out of its Brooklyn home and take on the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. And it was grand! We reenacted 5 cult classic films in rep for three straight weeks, and sold out nearly every night! ADGNYC is a comedy troupe that lovingly recreates your favorite films of the 80's and 90's with scripts and drinks in-hand. Anytime an iconic word or phrase is said, our narrator dings a bell, and both the audience and the actors have to drink. Between the beer, homemade props and costumes, and inevitable improv, every show promises a wild n' wacky nostalgia lovefest.

7/2017 -- THE GAME'S AFOOT @ Gretna
It was pretty fabulous to get to play the "spiteful, gossip-mongering, harridan bitch" Daria Chase in this Ken Ludwig farce alongside so many wonderful artists!

4/2017 -- 25-City Tour With Honalee
Hanley got to tour 25 cities in 32 days with A Band Called Honalee this past March and April! It was a pleasure to meet such enthused audiences in every state from North Dakota to New Mexico. And it was a privilege to sing the music of the 1960's folk/rock movement with her talented band mates. You know you're in good company when you can spend an entire month in a minivan with four people, four suitcases, two guitars, and one upright bass and still have an incredible time!

2/2017 -- "Killer Christmas"
Though one of the coldest and spookiest experiences of her life - filming nightly in an actually-abandoned hotel in Sharon Spring, NY - Hanley thoroughly enjoyed her time on set with Tony and PeterPaul Shaker in their independent feature KILLER CHRISTMAS. This holiday horror film follows six friends as they explore an abandoned hotel near a Christmas tree farm only to find themselves murdered one-by-one by someone in a Santa Mask. Released Nov 2017. Check out Hanley doing her best campy-horror-film-acting in the first six minutes HERE! Does Daisy survive?!

10/2016 -- GLASS MENAGERIE @ Pioneer
Thanks to the brilliant and big-hearted direction of Mary Robinson; the compassionate performances from costars Nance William, Zachary Prince and Logan James Hall; and the intimate and evocative designs, this production was about as lovely an experience to a part of as any actor could hope for. And to play the iconic Laura Wingfield at the amazing Pioneer Theatre Company was an honor.
Broadway World
Deseret News
Salt Lake Tribune
Hanley Smith warmly plays the painfully shy Laura. Hers is a empathetic and measured performance; the character is at once girlish but she also recognizes that her moment has passed. (Blair Howell, Broadway World)
Smith’s portrayal shows depth to Laura, making it evident her shyness is not shallow but is instead a result of fear of disappointing her mother and a life of unrealized hopes for herself and her family. (Whitney Butters Wilde, Deseret News)
All four actors' multilevel performances skillfully sidestep shallower ways of playing these characters... Hanley Smith avoids turning Laura into a pathetic neurotic; her Laura just needs support and confidence to move toward independence. (Barbara M. Bannon, The Salt Lake Tribune)

8/2016 -- PLAYING WITH FIRE & OVERRULED @ Living Room Theatre
Hanley and her newly-wed husband, William Connell, had a lovely extended honeymoon in Vermont with the Living Room Theatre. They performed in a combination to two one-acts, the first by Strindberg and the second by Shaw, directed and produced by Randolyn Zinn and Allen McCullough respectively. The performances took place on the grounds and inside the Carriage Barn of the Park McCullough, a beautifully preserved Victorian Mansion built in 1865 by one of Allen's ancestors.

3/2016 -- Demo of TIMOTHY CRATCHIT
Hanley and the cast of The Astonishing Times of Timothy Cratchit recorded a demo of the entire show this March in upstate NY and had a blast! With book by Allen Knee and music/lyrics by Andre Catrini, the cast could have no better material to work with.
Check out the demo HERE!

1/2016 -- Readings & Honalee
Hanley participated in two lovely readings this January: The Patron Saints by Ken Jaworowski at The Workshop Theatre and Steps by P.J. Barry at The York.
She ended the month with a tour of the Sunshine State with her beloved A Band Called Honalee. It is always a joy to share the folk and folk/rock music of the 60's with the band's great audiences.

Hanley Smith, who plays Timothy’s love interest Lucy as well as the seductive and dominant Aria, brings a fragile honesty to the more feminine character of Lucy while providing a comedic and aggressive turn as her Russian counterpart. (Ryan Mikita, TheaterScene)

3/2015 -- VENUS IN FUR @ The Fulton
This "edgy stunner" (Lancaster Online), directed by Marc Robin and co-starring Logan James Hall, was a wonderful experience from beginning to end! Happily, this production won the 2015 BroadwayWorld Central PA Awards for Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Director, and Best Play!
Smith is fearless, never failing to spark the stage.
(Jane Holahan, Lancaster Online)
A lot of the humor comes from Smith’s amazing ability to switch gears in a flash, going from this character back to this funky actress. (Jane Holahan, Lancaster Online)
Hanley Smith... blows in (literally) as a ditzy creature that puts Judy Holliday to shame for fluster and bluster.
(Marakay Rogers, Broadway World)

1/2015 -- A Band Called Honalee
Hanley made her full concert debut with A Band Called Honalee on January 23rd at the Historic Martin Theatre in Panama City, Florida! The lovely audience enthusiastically joined the band in celebrating the legacy of Peter, Paul and Mary and other icons of the 1960's folk and folk/rock movement.

11/2014 -- NYT Critics' Pick POWERHOUSE
Directed by Jon Levin, written by Josh Luxenberg, and devised by the Sinking Ship ensemble, POWERHOUSE enjoyed a nearly sold-out run at The New Ohio and quite a lovely response from audiences and critics alike! The show utilized physical theater, music and puppetry to tell the life story of composer/inventor Raymond Scott, whose music most people know from Looney Tunes Cartoons, which Scott never once watched.
Hanley Smith, deftly evolving from ingénue to sturdy professional… (Andy Webster, NY Times)
Portraying his true love, through art and heart, Hanley Smith was simply ravishing as Dorothy Collins. Smith has the voice of an angel and gave Collins such an exquisite journey. (Michael Block, Theater in the Now)
The entire ensemble is extremely talented, with the actors doing double and triple duty, weaving around each other seamlessly, giving voices and hands to puppets, popping up as random characters here and there, and simply embodying the atmosphere of the first half of the twentieth century. (Tami Shaloum, StageBuddy)

9/2014 -- A Band Called Honalee
Hanley is so happy to be joining the Honalee family! A Band Called Honalee believes the melodies and messages of the 1960s folk and folk/rock era are just as relevant today as they were when they were first sung, perhaps even more so. Their mission is to share this uniquely American music with new audiences, while rekindling the passion of long-time fans. Above all, they celebrate the undeniable ability of these songs to inspire people and bring them together once again.

5/2014 -- LES MISERABLES @ The Fulton
Hanley could not have been more honored to play her childhood dream role, Fantine, in this Fulton Theatre production, directed by the incomparable Marc Robin!
Check out our preview VIDEO for a taste of the wonderful direction, design, crew, and 51-person cast that made this an unforgettable experience!

11/2013 -- THE COTTAGE at APAC
The world premier of Sandy Rustin's brilliant British drawing-room comedy, directed by Rock of Ages's Adam Dannheisser, received lots of lovely praise! A sampling:
Then there is Dierdre, acted with endearing dippyness by Hanley Smith, another compelling presence who effortlessly captivates our attention. (Georgina Young-Ellis, Queens Gazette)

9/2013 -- Operation: That's My Dress
Hanley and her fellow USO Show Troupe members performed at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina as a part of a special event for active duty females, active duty spouses and the daughters of active duty. Sherri Hill, international designer for Hollywood celebrities and pageant contestants, graciously donated a wonderful collection of her dresses through her partnership with the USO of Metropolitan NY. The day included a fashion show and a Dress Expo, where attendees were greeted by the USO Show Troupe, pageant winners, and models to personally help them select the dress, jewelry, and accessories of their dreams.

Hanley and the cast of THE POOR OF NEW YORK
just completed a sold-out run of their hilarious-but-biting 1857 melodrama at The Connelly in downtown NYC. Directed by Tyne Rafaeli.

Gulfshore Playhouse's production in Naples, Florida, directed by Artistic Director Kristen Coury, got a great review from Chris Silk of The Naples News!
Hanley Smith brings winsome charm to Cecily... She and [Claire] Brownell lift the garden-set tea scene to absolute magnificent heights.

1/2013 -- GLORYANA at The York
Hanley will be playing Civil War-era Union nurse, Claire Durham, again in a staged reading of this award-winning new musical by Andrew Gerle. Directed by Mikhael Tara Garver. With a score that ranges from traditional musical theatre to hip-hop, spirituals and gospel to folk and country rock, Gloryana takes a candid look at how race and cultural differences can tear us apart – or bring us together.

8/2012 -- THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY @ The Signature
This wonderful production with Sonnet Repertory Theatre, starring Sam Underwood and directed by Quin Gordon, received a lovely REVIEW from Reviews Off Broadway!
Ms. Smith plays three women, with more depth than expected. All three women are infatuated with Dorian at different points in his life, and Ms. Smith brings a unique view to each of them. Ms. Smith also plays the piano, providing musical punctuation to the action.

5/2012 -- USO Liberty Bells sing for the First Lady
Hanley and her fellow Liberty Bells sang for First Lady Michelle Obama at the Opening Ceremonies of the Wounded Warrior Games in Colorado Springs, Colorado! They followed that up with a one-hour set for the Wounded Warriors and their families.

Check out the promo VIDEO for Virginia Stage Company's production, directed by Jose Zayas!
And check out some of David A. Beloff's awesome production PHOTOS.

Merrimack Repertory Theatre's production, directed by Carl Forsman, received several wonderful reviews!
Special Interview about the show and the USO
As Sally, Hanley Smith has guileless allure and comic timing that put her squarely in the tradition of '40s romantic comedy actresses like Margaret Sullavan and Jean Arthur. (Suzanne Dion, Lowell Sun)
Hanley Smith gives Sally such an open-hearted delivery that it’s impossible not to be charmed by her. (Terry Byrne, Boston Globe)

12/2011 -- GLORYANA with The Public Theatre
Hanley will be getting her Equity card with this award-winning new musical by Andrew Gerle!
Directed by Mikhael Tara Garver. Have a listen to some of the amazing songs comprising a score that ranges from traditional musical theatre to hip-hop, spirituals and gospel to folk and country rock: Gloryana!

Hanley reunites with her Davidson College professor, mentor and director, Ann Marie Costa, in this Actor's Theatre of Charlotte production of Sarah Ruhl's masterpiece.
Hanley was nominated for a Metrolina Theatre Association Award for Outstanding Lead Actor-Female for her portrayal of Catherine Givings.

7/2011 -- R.Evolución Latina's D2GB Children's Performing Arts Camp!
Hanley volunteered for RL's free week-long camp
where professional artists from the Broadway and Latino communities lend their talent and time to teach dance, singing, and acting to over 150 children, ages 7-17.
Visit R.Evolución Latina's WEBPAGE to learn more about the incredible work we are doing in the community!

5/2011 -- On the set of "Parallel"
Day 2 of shooting at Kiss the Chef in Mineola, NY with some truly wonderful creators!
Ryan Fassett directs this 10-minute short that examines the beginning and end of a relationship in the same diner booth two years apart.

10/2010 -- FROG KISS at NYMF
Directed by Kenneth Roberson, produced by Tamara Tunie, and written by Charles Leipart and Eric Schorr, this saucy n' swingin' new musical got 6 rave reviews and won 8 NYMF Awards for Excellence!
Check out all of the info, media and press on the FROG KISS WEBSITE!
Sample of a song: "If You Think You're a Frog, You're a Frog!"
Princess Clementine, performed by the supremely talented singer and actress Hanley Smith, meets a frog she is determined to turn into a prince, and in doing so, Smith brings a multi-dimensional character to the fore—a unique mix of dumb blonde and probing intellectual, confidence and awkwardness, a combination of pomposity and sincerity along the lines of Meg Ryan’s character in “When Harry Met Sally”. Her voice is always on pitch and lovely in all aspects of the Broadway and coloratura range. (Anthony Aibel, New York Concert Review)